September 2017 Update
Hello again to all my existing and future customers, August has gone so quickly. Now the holiday time is over and the children soon return to school the horse industry flourishes. We are offering some fabulous horses direct from Spain and affordable to most buyers. There are always horses waiting to be uploaded on to the website so if you do not see what you are looking for drop me an email or click on the dream horse button on the website. We have a new horse in the UK, Trefas, who we believe has a great future in dressage, he has an amazing character and is a super hacking horse, a true gentleman. We also have another addition, Espanol, a super trained PRE stallion who is perfect for a ladies first stallion.
Towards the middle of September we will have some new stock arriving in the UK so keep an eye on the website and I am currently adding new horses every day available in Spain. Anyone looking for a special colour take a look at Artico.
Looking forward to hearing updates on your horses and new prospective customers. Any one wishing to write a testimonial or add photos to the gallery please send them by email, I am always happy to see them.
Best Wishes Dawn
I am a nervous novice oap wishing to buy a horse 15hh
Spaces for Sales livery
We currently have three spaces on our yard in Cambridge for sales livery, this is for us to take your horse on livery and sell them for you
It includes all advertising and marketing full livery including riding 2/3 times per week, producing them and showing them to potential buyers as the owners intermediate
The horses must be of Spanish breed and meet a certain criteria for our clientele
please contact me for more information and costing by email or on the number provided on the home page of the website
Best Regards Dawn
Hello Grace
Please email me to discuss your requirements