Elizebeth Ventolera
If anybody is thinking of buying an Andalusian, and is wondering how they will adapt to a new climate and lifestyle, do not worry. Ventolera has become an honorary Welsh Cob, goes out in the field all day, loves her horsey friends and a good roll in the mud! Although she finds windy days exciting, she will ride out in any weather and we have been down the centre line in rain, hail and thunder. You can guarantee the weather will be performing one of the above everytime I book a lesson!
Whereas we won’t be preparing for the next Olympics anytime soon, I reconcile with myself that horses don’t have ambitions, and she is very loved. My lack of confidence means that we take things slowly but we are just as happy hacking with friends on the common and making steady progress in our lessons.
Ventolera is the friendliest mare I have ever owned and loves people. She loves to listen to human conversations and watches the children playing. If you are thinking of buying one of these amazing horses, don’t dismiss a mare. Mine has a huge personality and makes me laugh everyday. She gives the best horsey hugs and would lstand to be brushed and talked to all day. I think she likes human company as much as horse friends She also loves the cat and the rooster who choose her stable to sleep in.
Thank you Dawn for finding Ventolera for me and for bringing her to Wales . I am sure Ventolera had the best of starts in Spain, but I hope she would thank you too. She certainly thinks the grass is greener here!
Best wishes